There are two fibers are needed by the body. Two types of fibre are soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. The insoluble fiber works to form the stool and the insoluble fiber is useful to help the absorption of sugar.
If experiencing shortage of fiber does not dissolve in a long time, then it can trigger irritation of the colon. When it left, it will cause bleeding. Such a condition can trigger the onset of colon cancer.
Signs of someone getting cancer colon are diarrhea that occurs on an ongoing basis. Then accompanied by bleeding.
To make a healthy digestive tract in addition by eating fruits and vegetables, can also by eating yogurt. Yogurt is fermented fresh milk with lactic acid lactobasilus bulgarius bacteria and streptococcus thermophilus.
In addition, yogurt contains probiotics that help the digestive tract and functions against pathogenic bacteria in the gut so that it can prevent cancer of the digestive tract or intestines. Yogurt also prevents constipation, hemorrhoids, inflammatory bowel disease, and typhus.
If the yogurt drink regularly, it can improve the work of the digestive organs, either the hull, intestine, or colon. The bacteria in yogurt can prevent intestinal infections and inhibiting cancer cells in the digestive tract.
Another benefit to be gained from the yogurt was able to prevent high blood pressure and coronary artery disease. In addition, the yogurt is also a source of calcium that are safe to be consumed by all people. Including people with lactose intolerance.
Lacotose intolerance is an inability of the body to digest and absorb lactose (a sugar found in milk) because of the lack of the enzyme lactase. Symptoms of lactose intolerance is characterized by diarrhea, vomiting, bloating, nausea, and discharge the gas smelled of acid from the body.
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